Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wetties, Rashies and Boardies or Surfing the Bay

My last post was going to be the final Byron Bay update, but after my surf lesson today I just have to done another one. I learned a few things today, apart from standing up on the board on my own, number one: I love surfing, or I should say, I love trying to surf (to pay proper respect to my friends who actually do surf), number two: surfing gets even better when adding the aussie vebal quaintness, when a wetsuit becomes a "wettie", a rash shirt a "rashie" and board shorts "boardies" - viva Australia!

I had so much fun today, I am truly not a very gifted surfer -- mind you, I didn't expect that (the only reason that I am a good snowboarder is that I practiced, practiced and practiced...) -- but still it is one of the best and most fun things i have started learning over the last year and I love every minute of it, even when these are mostly spent with my head under water. So, today was a great success -- and i am not giving up, one day I will be a surfer, I know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome, except for the babytalk lingo! Is there surfing in Japan? And what is Japanese for surfing?