Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Nano vs. Beetle

Everyday while we've been here I have gone on two-three daily walks around the (beautiful) compound that surrounds the offices that we have been working in here, in order to get a minimal bit of exercise, as it is not possible to run/walk here otherwise due to the a. the heat and b. the freak show-factor/danger of being a blond foreign woman running around Tefe.

The walks have been a great way to observe the abundant local flora and fauna [small aside at this point: one of the coolest thing about this place is how everything just grows everywhere. Out on the river we saw a huge island that had "grown in" over the last few years, the water is that rich with sediments and this gives me quite high hopes that a lot of the deforested Amazon rain forest can and will grow back given the chance to do so.]-- in particular i have developed a keen interest* in this one species that I have lovingly dubbed "the largest beetle I have ever seen"... So when my slacker team mates (no walks for them) refused to believe me, I had to bring back photo evidence, which led to the shot below. See for yourself, it's Nano vs. Beetle!!

* In case you are wondering "why the beetle"? The sad answer is that there happened to be a large number of formerly-live ones around - whereas the extraordinarily beautiful blue butterflies for example are extremely hard to get a closer look at due to their fleeting habits...

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